
Streaming Internet Broadcast Network, Inc. (SIBN)

SIBN, a testament to the visionary zeal of Dr. Allen D. Chafins, was born from his profound mission to disseminate the Gospel to every corner of the universe. Dr. Chafins, whose life was enriched by numerous overseas missions, recognized the internet as a powerful conduit for spreading the Word to a world in need of hope.

In 2011, Dr. Chafins established SIBN in North Carolina, embarking on a journey to expand the network by introducing new stations and shows. His commitment to keeping fees minimal opened doors for many who possessed a message but lacked the means to share it broadly. Dr. Chafins’ foresight and dedication created a platform for voices that would otherwise remain unheard.

As we step into the future of SIBN, we carry forward Dr. Chafins’ legacy with unwavering gratitude. His vision remains at the heart of our mission, guiding us as we continue to bring light to a world that so dearly needs it.

Carol M. Moulton, J.D.

President, SIBN